A Guided Meditation with Jill Prescott & Craig Addy
October 19, 2017
7:00 pm
#604 - 1350 Broughton St, Vancouver, BC. V6G 2X3
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I’m very excited to co-create this once again with Jill Prescott!

Here’s Jill’s description of the event.

“[Craig] will be intuitively composing during a part of the meditation as we sink deep into self. This will be the fourth joint venture we’ve embarked on and I can tell you they are incredibly powerful. So much joy, opening and Love! It is such a pleasure to listen to this very talented pianist compose just for the people in the room.

We are all seeking. It may seem to be for abundance or health or the ultimate relationship. What you are actually seeking is the well of knowledge within you that holds the key to all fulfillment in this life. You are seeking your inner Guru. You are seeking Love. This evening will begin the process, or for some, continue the process of this unlocking.

Jill Prescott will lead a meditation for the group that will lead you back to your true essence; a place of personal discovery and deep inner knowledge. Following the meditation she will assist each person in deciphering the messages and images that arise as well as channel any additional information that may come through from her guides and yours.

As it is with all group gatherings, we learn and grow not only from our own meditation but from others as well. As each person shares, the group is encouraged to listen as if it were their own experience. We are all Oneness and therefore you will find much that resonates at a soul level in another’s sharing.

Whether you have a regular mediation practice or this is your first introduction to it, you will have the exact perfect experience in alignment with what your heart and soul are wanting.

And finally, remember that even when we do our soulful work, playfulness and joy are incredible healers, so you can expect there will be a few laughs along the way as well! (Also, miracles. Expect those too.)

NOTE: due to the co-creation with Craig, the contribution minimum for this event is $40.00.

Please be sure to bring a notebook and pen and perhaps a shawl or small blanket.”