February 8, 2020 | |
West End, Vancouver | |
Craig Addy's Home Studio, #604 - 1350 Broughton St, Vancouver, BC. V6G 2X3 |
You are invited to Music Oasis for Piano & Violin Meditations at my home studio on Saturday, February 8 at 7:00 pm.
This is a new realization of the cherished Music Oasis events that the Quiet Hearts Ensemble presented for 5 years at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church.
Unlike the last event with Mark and Craig, this is a music-only-experience. There will be conversations at the beginning as we settle in with tea and introductions. We’ll invite you to share some intentions for the music that we will create.
Then, when the music commences, there will be no conversation or applause.
At our last event with violinist Mark De Silva and myself, there was plenty of conversation and applause between each piece of music. The event was a success and some listeners shared how they also treasured and appreciated the absence of conversation and applause during the years they attended our beautiful Music Oasis events at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church. I say, why not provide both experiences?
This event is a hybrid between Music Oasis and an Under the Piano session.
- Like Under the Piano, there will be some conversation and sharing, for those that wish to, at the beginning.
- Like both Under the Piano and Music Oasis, there will be 45 to 60 minutes of improvised music meditations with no conversation or applause.
- Like Music Oasis, this is for a group of people rather than an individual or couple
Entrance to this event
We have also become deeply inspired by a practice called the Gift Economy. For this event, there is no ticket price. You will be given a plain unmarked envelope after the music is completed. You can show your gratitude for the experience by putting what the experience was worth to you or, if that value is more than you can currently afford, the amount that you can give (that can be $0 if that is where you are at). Simply put it in the envelope. A variety of other forms of payment can be accepted as well (eTransfer, Credit Card, etc.). The intent is that participants who want to be at this event are free to be there and not constrained by financial circumstances. The Gift Economy trusts that what we need to support ourselves will come back to us and that it need not necessarily come from all the immediate recipients of our gifts. It’s an experiment that we are keen to explore whenever possible.
We have room for 10 people at this event. Please only reserve a seat if you can promise to be there. (Wellbeing concerns and life emergencies excepted of course).